
Do you let the children perform their own songs?

Do you let the children perform their own songs- (1)

When I taught in Reception I integrated singing throughout the day.  There were also times when the children would ask to sing their own songs.  I of course said yes.  The children would sing well known songs and change the words, create new songs with words and other times just 'la' or 'hum' a tune.

This is definitely something all Early Years practitioners should encourage.


Children need time to explore sound and their voice: musical play.  By doing this they can show you what they kno…

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3 Musical Ideas to Initiate Tidying Up

3 Musical Ideas to Initiate Tidying Up

Let’s bring a little Mary Poppins to tidying up time: make it fun!

What musical ideas can you use? 

There are 3 musical ideas you could use to initiate tidying up: 

1. Instrument: 

You could use a tambourine, a drum, a shaker...  whatever you can easily access and play.

1. Tap the syllables in the words that you want to ask the children.  For example you could use the following phrases:

Tidy up time (2 short taps, 1 long tap,  1 long tap) e.g.:

Are you nearly done? (1 long tap,1 long…

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