About Anne
Teacher to Trainer
When I was teaching in Reception my music time was mainly delivered by using BBC Radio Tapes; yes tapes, this was in the 1990s! This was a whole school approach as it ensured there was consistency and progression throughout the school. Sometimes with my class, when we had hall time, I would also give the children the opportunity to explore expressive movement as I improvised on the piano; I stood at the piano and created different patterns, pauses, and changes in dynamics that the children lov…
- Celebrations (8)
- Composing Music (1)
- Instruments (6)
- Listening to music (6)
- Live Music (1)
- Mathematics (3)
- Mathematics: Number (2)
- Mathematics: Shape, Space and Measure (1)
- Music Area (2)
- Musical Elements (1)
- Music Time (11)
- Nursery Rhymes (3)
- Outdoor Music (1)
- Performing (2)
- PDP (5)
- Props (10)
- Routines (2)
- Schemas (2)
- Seasons (5)
- Senses (1)
- Sensory (3)
- Singing (13)
- The Importance of Music in the Early Years (5)
- Topics and Themes (8)
- Top Tips (1)
- Vocal Play (1)
- Vlog (4)
- About Anne (1)