
Add Some Seasonal Sparkle to your Music Time

Add Some Seasonal Sparkle to your Music Time

Bonfire night has always been one of my highlights of autumn.  I still have vivid memories from my childhood of gathering around a bonfire and then watching fireworks.

How can we bring this fun and enjoyable experience to a music time?

Fantastic pieces of music and lights!

Every year in my classes, whatever the theme I’m doing, I always ensure we have a bonfire night week. We may sing a song or two that has a firework connection but the firework wonder is delivered through the listening t…

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What’s a banana got to do with a Music Time?

What’s a banana got to do with a Music Time-

What’s a banana got to do with a Music Time?

This week I’ve been bringing a banana to my classes. Why, you might ask? The topic that I’m following this half term is food. The children have been smelling different foods each week that then leads to a listening activity: popping popcorn, birds eating blackberries…this week, the banana.

The banana has been a great stimuli for conversations with the children. They smell it just before we do the listening activity and they tell me whether they like…

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