

Learning something new!

Learning something new!

I have taken timeout to learn something new, poetry!

Not for my own pleasure but to help my son revise the 15 poems he needs to know inside out for his English Literature exam.

There’s plenty that I could be doing within my business but my son needs my help so I’ve taken on the challenge to learn about these 15 poems; this is not easy for me as I find studying English tricky!  So that I can help with the revision I’ve needed to learn new words, e.g. enjambment and juxtaposition, and understand…

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Even great activities can go wrong!

Even great activities can go wrong!

Even great activities can go wrong!

The topic that I’m following this term is food. On Monday I did an activity with the children that I have done many times: bouncing cotton wool balls on Lycra as if popcorn is popping in a pan. The children were having a wail of a time. The problem was the new cotton wool I bought left a little behind each time it fell on the carpet. A fluffy mess! So at the end of the session I was left struggling to vacuum it off the carpet.

Why am I telling you this?


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