Talk like a Pirate!

Do you follow calendar events in your early years setting? Did you know that on the 19th September it is ‘Talk like a pirate day’? Well, I didn’t until a couple of years ago. It hasn’t been around that long but I think some of the new events are quite fun as a starting point. Whether, in your setting, you plan most of the activities or it is child led, themed days can be a great stimulus.
For example with ‘Talk like a pirate day’, there are lots of ways you could incorporate this theme in a day or even a week.
Role play area:
Create a Ship or Treasure Island.
- Have a basket of resources so the children can create: trails, ships, hideouts ...
- Water and sand play with boats and small world people
- Dig for treasure in the muddy area
- Laminated images of wanted posters and treasure maps (the children create these)
Drawing, Painting, Writing:
- The children create the treasure maps, wanted posters,
Designing and constructing:
- Construction equipment and include some pictures of boats, pirates, mini islands...
- Card, paper and other materials to make hats, eye patches, wooden legs...
Listening and moving to pirate themed music:
- What shall we do with the lazy pirate?
- I'm pirate Jack (a song I wrote to help the children with listening) available in the Early Years Music Ideas:
I'm sure you can think of many more ideas, these are just a few I thought about whilst writing this blog. I’d love to hear if you are doing anything for 'Talk like a pirate day' and afterwards which activities the children loved.
Happy music making!
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