Spring is nearly here!

Spring is nearly here! Do you take your children on walks? Why not take them on a spring walk and make it a multi-sensory experience? What do you have nearby that you could explore?
- A bluebell wood. A fantastic experience for sight and sound.
- A farm:
- lambs for the children to see and maybe feed
- farm shop with the new spring vegetables.
- Hedgerow walk. Looking at different changes to the hedgerow.
- If you live in a city go to a park where there are trees and bushes
Then get the children to use as many of the sense as they can during and after the walk.
Smell - How does spring smell different to winter?
- Let the children smell the blossom and other spring flowers.
- The air smells different in spring (well I always think it does!): a fresh smell!
- The British vegetables that are available during spring
Tasting British spring vegetables,
... rather than buying the imported vegetables. You may like to make a soup from the vegetables that you purchase. Here is a list of British vegetables that will soon be available:
- Asparagus
- Cauliflower
- Cucumber
- Jersey Royal New Potatoes
- Purple Sprouting Broccoli
- Radishes
- Savoy Cabbage
- Sorrel
- Spinach
- Spring Greens
- Spring Onion
- Watercress
The above information came from the British Food Fortnight page. If you are interested to read more please click here. If the farm you are visiting has a farm shop you could purchase them from there.
What sounds do you associate with spring?
On the walk ask the children to stop and listen to what they can hear:
- Birds.
- Blackbirds
- Blue tit
- Chaffinch
- Cuckoo
- Great tit
- House sparrow
- Nightingale
- Song thrush....
- To hear what the different birds sound like please click here You may also like to take a look on the RSPB page please click here
- Baby animals: lambs, calves...
Maybe take photos to remind the children of what they saw and heard when they get back to your setting.
- the flowers: blossom, daffodils, tulips... (ensure the children wash their hands after touching flowers).
- if you visit a farm they may allow you to feed the lambs.
- the different spring vegetables that you have purchased...
Looking at all the different changes in colour.
Talk about how different it is to winter: brown and green. Spring: yellow, red, green, blues… (daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, bluebells…)
If you would like more ideas take a look at the Wildlife Watch page. It has lots of ideas about spotting spring is on its way. Please click here to view
Have fun!
Anne :)
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