It’s Nearly the Summer Holidays

It’s Nearly the Summer Holidays, is the first line from a song that I wrote about the fun activities children may do during the holidays. The day after I wrote it, I sang it to a group of nursery children and I was amazed how quickly they remembered the chorus! Do you have a collection of holiday-themed music activities up your sleeve that you can call on? Here are a few songs that I sing with the children when we’re thinking about the holidays:
Underneath the water, is a song that I sing with the children whilst we float fish printed fabric although any fabric that looks like the sea would work really well with this song.
1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive. Is a traditional nursery rhyme that the children love to sing. The children love the drama in the song and particularly enjoy saying, 'no biting' at the end of the song!
Safari or Jungle
We’re going on Safari/in the Jungle… are two songs that I wrote that explore different animal sounds and actions.
5 little kites. Is a song I wrote to help the children with counting down; they un-velcro a kite off a parachute as we countdown in the song.
Horse riding.
If you have hobby horses singing songs like Horsey, Horsey or Mummy and Daddy
I sometimes use the hobby horses as shown in the image below. I use these with the children inside and outside. Ideally in a large space so the children are able to move easily around each other. If you don’t have these hobby horses not to worry the children still love moving like horses.
Here is:
Horsey horsey don’t you stop
Just let your feet go clippety-clop
Your tail goes swish and the wheels go round
Giddy up, we’re homeward bound.
Aeroplanes. The children love singing this song whilst we move a piece of fabric.
Row, row your boat. The children's favourite part in this song is screaming when the crocodile appears at the end of the song.
What holiday-themed songs do you like to sing with the children?
Click here if you would like to find out more about purchasing the song 'It's nearly the summer holidays':
Most of the songs and rhymes mentioned above can be found in my ‘Early Years Music Ideas’ membership website. Click here to read more about it:
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