10 Top Tips for 10 Years

November 2018 marked 10 years since I started Musical abc, my independent music classes for the under 5s. If you don’t know my background, I studied musical composition and then trained as a primary school teacher, with 4- 8 years as my specialist age range, although I spent most of my teaching career in Reception. So, with Musical abc I aimed to use my experience of teaching and music to bring a live music experience to young children and adults in my local area. I have learnt lots over the last 10 years whilst leading my music times. I am going to share with you my 10 Top Tips:
Tip 1
Have more activity ideas planned for a music time than you need as there have been times when I need more ideas.
Tip 2
Be willing to adapt activity ideas on the spot. E.g. change the words in a song to fit the children’s interests.
Tip 3
Have your resources laid out ready as it really helps a music time flow.
Tip 4
Variety is key! A combination of sitting, standing, moving, actions, props, playing instruments helps to keep all children engaged.
Tip 5
Quality instruments last! The children are still playing the instruments I bought 10 years ago.
Tip 6
Carry spares of everything.
- Batteries for fibre optic lights
- Strings for your guitar as it may fall out of the car
- More props than you need as there may be more children than you are expecting...
Tip 7
If you lose your voice don’t try to carry on. I did and it took me 8 weeks to get my voice back.
Tip 8
Don’t always stick to your plan. e.g. let the children choose songs they would love to sing
Tip 9
End of season sales are great for finding bargain props.
Be careful though as they can end up taking over your house; I now have over 1000 props stored around my home.
Tip 10
Save ideas. If you hear a song or a piece of music that you really like, note it down or save a post on social media, as these can be great for future activities.
What I have learnt most over the last 10 years is what a difference music can make to a child. I have seen how it has helped children: become more confident; enthused to move and dance; turn a frown into a smile; share instruments without being asked; spontaneously start singing a song we have learnt when they used to just sit quietly. Music is such a wonderful tool!
A big thank you to all the families and early years settings that I have worked with over the years. I am very lucky to have a job I love.
Happy music making and here’s to another 10 years!
- Celebrations (8)
- Composing Music (1)
- Instruments (6)
- Listening to music (6)
- Live Music (1)
- Mathematics (3)
- Mathematics: Number (2)
- Mathematics: Shape, Space and Measure (1)
- Music Area (2)
- Musical Elements (1)
- Music Time (11)
- Nursery Rhymes (3)
- Outdoor Music (1)
- Performing (2)
- PDP (6)
- Props (10)
- Routines (2)
- Schemas (2)
- Seasons (5)
- Senses (1)
- Sensory (3)
- Singing (13)
- The Importance of Music in the Early Years (5)
- Topics and Themes (8)
- Top Tips (1)
- Vocal Play (1)
- Vlog (4)
- About Anne (1)
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