6 Week Weather Themed Music Time Plan

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Access is available NOW!

This is for you if you are an early years practitioner who works with children from 3 to 5-year-olds.

You are looking for weather-themed music ideas that you can easily implement as a non-musician.  Ideas to introduce to the children through a once-a-week Music Time over a six-week period.  Each Music Time could last between 20 and 30 minutes depending on what you wish to include.

You will get access to song, rhyme, instrument, and listening activities based on the weather; ideas that I have tried and tested with early years children.  This mini-training guide will include:

  • An introductory video you can watch explaining how to use the plans

  • 1 six-week Medium Term Music Plan PDF you can download and print out.

  • 6 Music Time Plan PDFs you can download and print out; for Music Times lasting between 20 and 30 minutes.

  • 1 blank Music Time Plan PDF you can download and print out so you can adapt the Music Time, if you wish.

  • MP3s you can download to help you learn the tune and words for songs and rhymes

  • Videos of me, Anne, you can watch, showing you how to do each activity; this will just be me not with a group of children.

Access is available NOW.  Once purchased you will keep access for as long as you need.

Best wishes


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