For those who work with 2 to 5 year olds

Early Years Music Ideas Membership

Get 25% off Monthly Membership

The Solution for the Early Years Practitioner Who Wants Fun, Easy and Creative Music Times.

No more being stuck doing the same music activities every week

No more searching for early years music training

No more dreading the planning and delivering of a music time

I'll give you:

🎶 Ready made music activity plans

🎶 My Early Years Music Ideas Framework to help identify where you need help; training guides and masterclasses to help develop your knowledge and understanding

🎶 Plus for those who want extra help, access to some of my popular online training courses, two exclusive to EYMI members!

The online resource has been designed with the non-music specialist in mind; using my years of experience working in the early and with many different early years practitioners.


There are two ways to join Monthly or Yearly

Here is a brief summary of what is included in each:


✅ Early Years Music Ideas Library

✅ Early Years Music Ideas Framework with mini training guides and masterclasses

✅ A Mini training guide each month

✅  The '5 Minute Musical Wonders'!

✅  Access to 'Music and the 7 Areas of Learning' online training. 

✅ 5 Steps to a Musical Setting Online Training

After 12 months of Paid Membership:

✅ Five online training courses

✅ Music Time Plans 

You are free to leave the Early Years Music Ideas Membership at any time and there is no contract in place (although if you do leave and come back you will re-join at the rate at that time). 


✅ Early Years Music Ideas Library

✅ Early Years Music Ideas Framework with mini training guides and masterclasses

✅ A Mini training guide each month

✅  The '5 Minute Musical Wonders'!

✅  Access to 'Music and the 7 Areas of Learning' online training. 

✅ Six online training courses available NOW

✅ Music Time Plans

You are free to leave the Early Years Music Ideas Membership at any time and there is no contract in place (although if you do leave and come back you will re-join at the rate at that time). 


What Other Early Years Practitioners Are Saying

  • I love your resources and ideas. I really like your training videos explaining how to teach the songs-rhymes. I love your twists on well-known songs.

    I am about to look at and use the parachutes and lycra band training for expressive arts sessions.

    The Music Ideas has really helped me to develop and extend my music repertoire when teaching 3 and 4 year olds. It has helped to keep my teaching fresh!!! grinning

    Thank you, Anne!


    Nursery teacher, South Wales

  • - Variety of songs
    - What various things you can do with songs/the same song
    - It’s good the songs are grouped into themes/months/areas of learning

    Liz Nightingale

    Early years music practitioner

  • Who has completed the Parachute, Lycra and Friendship Ring online training which is included with yearly membership:

    “I have loved the new ideas for songs and movements to do with the parachute, friendship ring, and lycra. We have a parachute at our setting and have a few ideas but felt quite limited with what to do with it. This training has extended my ideas and given me the confidence to think a little more outside the box with songs and rhymes that we enjoy in the setting also.”

    Kelly Hidalgo

  • Who has completed the Soft Toys, Scarves and Streamers online training which is included with yearly membership:

    “I loved how simple yet effective the ideas were during the training. I’ve realised how little I use puppets and soft toys in the nursery I work at, I think this has to do with a lack of knowledge or running out of ideas to not really having much to work with. So I have some ideas to put together a small basket with these resources in to encourage the children to use.”


  • Who has completed the Musical Instruments in the Early Years online training which is included with yearly membership:

    “It was absolutely fantastic! Such a brilliant course. So many wonderful ideas and activities to implement within school. The wealth of information and depth was brilliant. I loved how the course covered so many areas of delivering music using instruments, singing, video clips, home-made percussion instruments and music apps. I will certainly be signing up to more courses in the future!”

    Rebecca Pye

    Primary teacher and Music Lead

  • Who has completed the Musical Elements online training, which is included with yearly membership:

    I enjoyed the fact that everything was explained simply so that if you were learning about music for the first time you could understand everything.

    Jenny Hughes

  • Who has completed the Musical Discoveries: Listening in the Early Years online training, which is included with yearly membership:

    So many ideas. I have already been using the suggested music activities as I have been going along with the children I work with and they have really enjoyed listening to different types of music, moving in different ways and talking about what they can hear, how it has made them feel.
    I thought the training was really well structured with lots of examples and areas for inspiration. I really enjoyed the videos and suggestions made on the videos, I will be buying lots of fabric!
    I have found that this training exceeded my expectations with so many different ways of presenting music to the children and the different ideas and activities to use with the music.
    Thank you

    Kerry Fowler

  • Who has completed the Music and the 7 Areas of Learning online training, which is included with ALL membership soon:

    Fantastic training. I've come away with a lot to bring into/ways to enhance current music sessions and new ideas for rhymes/movement and instrument exploration. Anne was very thorough in how she explained the links to the 7 areas of learning and her passion shows. Interesting references in the importance of remembering how the child is the centre of their learning too. Many thanks!


Here is the content in more detail.


Online Early Years Music Ideas Activity Library

You can use the search function to look for ideas but can also...

Within the library you will find

Early Years Music Activity Ideas that are for:

Songs and Rhymes

Body Percussion


Listening to Music

Accessible to view on the website

  • Plans and visual printouts (available for some activities) to view
  • Links to Amazon to listen/purchase recorded music 
  • Links to YouTube for some pieces of music 
  • Videos to watch on a few activity ideas.

To Download from the website

  • An activity plan for every activity with links to the early years opportunities for learning: Areas of Learning and Characteristics of Effective Learning
  • Visual printouts (available for some activities)
  • MP3 recordings of me, Anne, singing/saying the songs and rhymes to help you learn the words. 


Early Years Music Ideas Framework

Early Years Music Ideas Framework (Instagram Post (Square))

A framework to help you identify where you currently are in terms of delivering early years music.  It is structured to help you build your confidence in early years music and to get the most from your membership.

It includes Building YOUR:



Within the framework there are mini training guides and masterclasses. 


Each Month

✅ An additional mini training guide and/or bigger online training course

These are limited-access training guides/online training.  Once you gain access you will be able to keep them for as long as you are a member.   BUT, if you decide to leave and then rejoin, at a later date, you will have to wait until they become a monthly training guide again to gain access to them. 

✅ A Monthly Focus: links to music activities for events happening that month PLUS a direct link to the new mini training guide for that month
March 2025 Events Web

 ✅ Two Round-Up emails so you don’t miss anything within the resource



'5 Minute Musical Wonders'

Worth £40

They may be added to the membership site later than they are released for sale as individual downloads

5 Minute Musical Wonders (2880 x 600 px)

'5 Minute Musical Wonders' are for early years practitioners looking for music activity ideas that will roughly last 5 minutes.  
These downloadable ideas cards are designed for those who are familiar with well-known tunes and are experienced with leading a music time in the early years.

For those who work with children from ~3 to 5 years

Available NOW:

Winter 5 Minute Musical Wonders (700 x 380 px) (700 x 380 px) (3) Superhero 5 Minute Musical Wonders (700 x 380 px) (3) Spring 5 Minute Musical Wonders (700 x 380 px) (2)

Easter 5 Minute Musical Wonders (700 x 380 px) (2)


'Music and the 7 Areas of Leaning' 

Is available NOW for ALL members!

Worth £397

Header Music & the 7 Areas of Learning (1)Would you like to help more children shine in their learning?

I'm sure that is a yes!  Music, being the universal language that it is, can appeal to so many children. As well as being enjoyed as a wonderful creative subject it is also a great learning tool.

How can I help you use 'Music as a Learning Tool'?

I have created the 'Music and the 7 Areas of Learning' online training course that takes you through all 7 areas of learning with tricks and tips on how you can use music activities to help more children shine in their learning. 

How does the training course work?

Available now for all Early Years Music Ideas members.

The training is delivered online via the Early Years Music Ideas Membership site; this will be the ONLY way you will be access the training course.

It is delivered through videos, workbooks and checklists.  

Everyone starts with access to 'Module 1: Introduction'.  The remaining modules will be released every 7 weeks until all 9 modules have been released. Once you gain access you will be able to keep them for as long as you are a member.   BUT, if you decide to leave and then rejoin, at a later date, you will start back with the introduction and have to wait every 7 weeks to gain access to the remaining modules.

Click here if you would like to read what is included in each module: 

Below are comments from people who have completed the course:

  • Musical abc

    “New songs and rhymes. So many ideas! Chrome music lab Boomwhackers I am a childminder and use music and rhyme continuously through the day especially when walking with the children on school runs etc. I have already tried some of your ideas with the children and they have loved them. Thank you very much.”

  • Musical abc

    “It was very informative, well structured and helpfull training. I am happy that I took it and cannot wait to start doing some of the activities I learned from it. In general I do most of these activities but now I hope it will be better with more understanding of the possible impact of them over children development.”

    The Chapel nursery

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed this music training. The links and short songs have been very helpful, especially with the letter and sounds group time.”

  • Musical abc

    “This training has again shown me how important music is in the Early Years, it is a vital part of learning and development. I will be using so much from this course, I can't wait to try some of the songs with my nursery class.”

    Stanborough Nursery

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed the fact that it was short videos and it was full of great ideas , some new but some just to refresh your memory.”

    Jumping Beans Preschool

  • Musical abc

    “Whilst I already do incorporate a lot of these methods in to daily routines, music times and activities, it has been really useful to have further ideas, thoughts, songs and resources that I’m less familiar with added. Also helpful in knowing that what I’m doing covers so many different aspects to learning. It has been nice to have my own ideas reinforced.”

  • Musical abc

    “Lots of useful music, song and movement ideas that can be added to everyday activities.”

    Bournemouth Early years.

  • Musical abc

    “I liked the links to some of the music on YouTube! Very inspiring!”

  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed finding out how to include music in maths, and through stories- steady beats and singing elements. Also receiving a lot of info on different music to listen to with the children. I shall definitely be buying a friendship ring, and have already implemented a better structure to exploring different musical instruments - really helping me plan my phase 1 phonics. Great ideas! Thank you!”

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed the course it made me think how to incorporate singing in my setting and using different instruments.”


  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed the course it has given me a lot of ideas to incorporate in my setting with singing and instruments.”


  • Musical abc

    “I found this training really useful and gave me a lot of new ideas on all different types of music.”

    Station House Nursery

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed finding out the different ways different kinds of music can be used such as the bouncing ball song etc. Instead of just using nursery rhymes”

  • Musical abc

    “Being extremely keen on introducing more music into early years, this programme gave me new ideas and also ideas on how to adapt some existing practices”

  • Musical abc

    “The training was very informative and interesting and has given me lots of great ideas.”

  • Musical abc

    “In response to: what did you enjoy/like/find useful about the training?
    All of it, how to adapt what we do know and how to incorporate for the 7 areas”

    Heckington Pre-school

  • Musical abc

    “I found the training to be very informative enjoyable and it give me a good reflection on how I could incorporate music into the seven areas of learning. As a leader of a pre-school I will gladly share all the ideas with my work colleagues. We are a high/Scope group and two staff members play the guitar and tin whistlew. Music plays a big part in our daily routine and this training will enhance our music activities even more.”

    Lavey Early Years Leader

  • Musical abc

    “I found the videos really easy to follow and super informative! All of the activities and strategies are really useful and have helped me to understand how to link music into each area of learning.”

  • Musical abc

    “I particularly enjoyed the relaxed approach and how well the links to the 7 areas were explained. I found the links very helpful too.”

    ADO Mini Explorers

  • Musical abc

    “This training course gave me a greater understanding of how I can link music throughout daily routines as well as within other areas of the curriculum.”

    Grand-y-care Academy

  • Musical abc

    “I found really useful the different ideas and ways how to implement the music in ALL areas of learning. I especially enjoyed the CLL part and EAD.”

  • Musical abc

    “I liked that there has been no time constraints and I have been able to do it when I have had the time. All slides and handouts very useful. Good introductions to different areas and Anne has a wealth of knowledge and gives good examples to follow up activities. I can see this working well with the age group of children I work with (3-5). I look forward to using this module to help reflect and enhance my practise and to use Music as a learning tool and to have fun exploring music through play.”


  • Musical abc

    “I particularly liked how you broke learning into chunks so that I could pick it up and/or revisit at any time. Great videos and lots of ideas thanks. Great way to increase my knowledge and expertise during Lockdown”

  • Musical abc

    “In response to, what did you enjoy/like/find useful... about the training?
    I found the ways that it linked to the various sections of the EYFS most useful. It helped me to focus”

  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed doing the training. How you shared ideas and show videos of the music that you have recommended. I like also how you split the training into different modules and have links to other resources.”

  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed the course. It was well strutured, easy to use and interesting. The things I found particularly useful were: introducing new activties and songs to use. Structuring a music time session, using different types of music with the children.”

  • Musical abc

    “I liked that I was able to work through the course at my own pace, listening & watching videos rather reading the information & it was useful to go back & revisit the different areas if I wanted to. I was able to look at my own setting & reflect at what I do at the present & take in new ideas to make music time more stimulating for the children in all the areas of development.”

    Woodside Avenue Pre-school

  • Musical abc

    “It was interesting the types of music you can use and the rhythms of dance you could include for children”

  • Musical abc

    “*Learning new ways to support and promote interests in music,
    *New sensory ideas,
    *New actions and songs In had not heard before this course,
    *Ways to incorporate all senses,
    *New and engaging actions/ activities.”

  • Musical abc

    “It gave me alternative ideas on how to deliver music into my setting. These ideas were thoroughly covered through each area.”

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed every aspect of the training. The activities are fantastic and as i also purchased the Early Years Music Ideas it has given me lots of extra activities to incorporate in to my music sessions with the children. I especially like how it was broken down in to sections such as voice, body percussion etc and has made me reflect on my own practice in my setting when it comes to music. Thank you!”

    Grimethorpe Family Centre

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed completing the course online it has been easy to access and I'm able to re-look at areas at my own leisure to build on my practice within the setting!

    The course provided the perfect amount of content and Anne's video has developed my musical understanding.”

    Seymour Hill Preschool

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed learning different ideas and ways to incorporate music and to assist with the 7 areas of learning. I liked the listening and understanding where child listen to music or an instrument and know what is expected, I think this is something I will use in my practice.”

    Scribblers Day Nursery

  • Musical abc

    “It was all very good, and wow so much information in this training and has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking about Music and how I can use it in my setting. thank you very much.”

    registered child minder.

  • Musical abc

    “I find it all very insightful, very little music takes place in my setting apart from 5 minute song time singing nursery rhymes daily and a small range of musical instruments available for the children to access as and when they require.

    I will be adding a lot, structure, routine, interactive singing time, all of it, it was fantastic”

    Childcare Worker for Clearly Kids (Clear Day Nurseries)

  • Musical abc

    “I loved that you put up lots of videos, links related to the topics.I found them very helpful.The whole training was easy to understand and enjoyable. Thank you”

  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed learning how to make music fun through a wide range of songs and ideas of how to link them with different areas of learning. Confidence is an issue for me but I feel after completing this course I will benefit greatly so thank you.”

  • Musical abc

    “thank you very much for this course I learned new ideas and even new instruments to put in songs/rhymes and circle time.
    i'll be keeping this up in the activities .”

  • Musical abc

    “This had useful activity ideas to link music to for different age groups of children. Throughly enjoyed this.”

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed being able to work through it at my own pace.
    It is really easy to understand and made me realise all the missed opportunities to bring music to my setting.”

    Action for Children

  • Musical abc

    “Fantastic training. I've come away with a lot to bring into/ways to enhance current music sessions and new ideas for rhymes/movement and instrument exploration. Anne was very thorough in how she explained the links to the 7 areas of learning and her passion shows. Interesting references in the importance of remembering how the child is the centre of their learning too. Many thanks!”

    Pre school Leader

  • Musical abc

    “This was a very useful course and I will recommend it to other practitioners. I did not realise how you can bring music into the seven areas of learning.”

    West Cliff School Whitby

  • Musical abc

    “Thank you. I have lots of news ideas and songs to use with the children. I particularly liked the idea of having a roll of paper out for the children to draw on whilst music was playing and to see the outcome. I am enthusiastic to make some more props to go along with our music time and explore different types of music with the children.”

  • Musical abc

    “I feel I will now have a more confident approach to incorporating music into all areas of our routine, and have definitely gained a better understanding of what to expect from the different age groups of children, and progression over the three terms. I loved the body percussion section within physical development, and am really excited to extend our music sessions within the new school year.”

    Happy Tots Playgroup

  • Musical abc

    “The training was very helpful for me I work with children aged 0-5yrs.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the module on Around the world and Expressive arts.”

    Childcare leader at First Steps Womens Centre Dungannon.

  • Musical abc

    “I was struggling with the musical side of learning, due to lack in confidence more than anything, some really good ideas on this which I feel could be easily incorporated into our week.”

    Dromore Community Playgroup

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed learning al about music and how it can be used throughout the day to enhance learning. This course has highlighted the importance of learning through music.”

    Hollypark private day nursery

  • Musical abc

    “The breakdown of how to fit music into each of the 7 areas was great and the introduction to lots of new musical ideas to promote learning were also very useful.”

    Nursery Teacher, St. Swithun's school in Kennington, Oxford

  • Musical abc

    “I enjoyed taking part in this training as it has allowed me to now look at music differently as well as use it in across all areas of the curriculum. I enjoyed learning new activities in which I can do with my children that I know they will thoroughly enjoy. I liked the resources that you used throughout and will purchase some of them for the setting.”

  • Musical abc

    “The communication and Language as I work with 2 years old's who's communication skills are currently limited.
    I also loved the friendship ring and the copy me song, i will be making one over the weekend. I will also be adding the painting the wellies idea and moving to the sound of the music, as my little ones love dance and paint.”

    Choppington Primary School

  • Musical abc

    “I found this course encouraging and informative. Although I have been taking music sessions for 17 years it’s been great to see different ideas that I can use to extend and develop what I am already doing . I do use a lot of Classical Music in my sessions but I really enjoyed the ideas you gave of more modern / current music , Car wash /Robots. I inherited some Boomwhackers and was so pleased on ideas on how to use these better in my music sessions. Also I do ICT with the children so I really found your section on Chrome Experiment and Garage Band interesting and will definitely try these
    Thank you”

    Reception Class

  • Musical abc

    “In response to, what did you enjoy/like/find useful about the training?
    Getting new ideas for songs and movements”

    Little oaks pre-school

  • Musical abc

    “I found the links to different music really helpful so that i can build up a bank of different genres and also specific ones for activities. The chrome music lab resources /tutorials were fab and I’m looking forward to exploring these further and sharing them with my team. I also found useful the activity ideas on musical patterns, this is something new to me! Thank you :-)”

  • Musical abc

    “It has been great doing this course and how i can use it in the 7 areas of learning. I will introduce more painting or mark making to music, and i would like my setting to get a friendship ring as i think the children will enjoy using it and engage in the activity too.”

    Tiddlywinks Nursery

  • Musical abc

    “Hi and thank you i found this really helpful, i wouldnt have thought of putting music to so many things as i work in early years and you've given me some great ideas.”

    water street school

  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed watching the videos and listening to your suggestions of how to use the music activities to cover the 7 areas of learning. Very thought provoking.”

  • Facebook Music & the 7 Areas of Learning Music and the 7 Areas of Learning

    Access for as Long as You Need to Complete the Music and the 7 Areas of Learning online training 

    For those who work with children from 2 to 5 years.
    Covering all 7 areas of learning:

    1. Communication and Language
    2. Physical Development
    3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    4. Literacy
    5. Mathematics
    6. Understanding the World
    7. Expressive Arts and Design 

    Music and the 7 Areas of Learning Online Training has 9 Bitesize Modules.  Each takes you step-by-step through how to include more music in your early years setting.

    By the end of the training course, you will have the knowledge to deliver music activities that can help children in the 7 areas of learning!

    (If you are a resident of the UK then no VAT will be added on.  If you reside within the EU the applicable VAT will be added on.)

    “Very helpful with fantastic ideas to expand my knowledge of enhancing music in the early years. Excellent course and easy to understand”

  • Musical abc

    “I like the way you walk us through the activities with a clear check list so we know where we are and what we will do next. I found it very helpful. Sometimes you can complete a training course and know you will never be able use it effectively in your setting, but I'm very confident what I've learned on this course about songs and music will be really beneficial to our setting once all the children have come back after this Covid -19 lockdown. Thank you.”

    Busy-Bodies Preschool

  • Musical abc

    “I found the course very thorough teaching how you can incorporate music into the 7 areas of learning in the early years curriculum. I liked how each area provided useable ideas for songs and rhymes, body percussion, instrument and listening activities many of which I will use in my teaching. All the links to resources and music were very useful (and I'm going to look into buying some Boomwhackers for our school!)”

    Boundary Primary School, Blackpool

  • Musical abc

    “This training has been so beneficial to the group of children in my setting. We began with cleaning our cars to Carwash, then riding our bicycles to Queens, Bicycle Race. This is their favourite, and they are asking daily to go and Dance and can they do the bicycle race! We also become butterflies and fly around to Dolly Partons, Love is like a butterfly. There are more to come, which I know they will love. We are incorporating body percussion and lots of props. And the children look forward to the "Music Session". Thank you so much for helping me build my confidence in this area, I enjoy it as much as the children!”

    Early Years Provider, Playgroup Assistant

  • Musical abc

    “It was so lovely to be in a day and think about how we can improve our children from transitioning in onwards. It reminded me of how we need to slow things down, ensure we are using creativity with music, movement and expression.”

    SEND Teaching Assistant

  • Musical abc

    “I really enjoyed the training as this training gave me lots of strategies on how to teach music in the early years in fun and meaningful ways.
    I am not a music teacher, but I have to teach music. And this training built my confidence to teach music.”

    Canggu Community School

  • Musical abc

    “So much practical support, support with planning, ideas for songs….fantastic”

  • Musical abc

    “What I like about the training is that there are so many ways to approach it and to learn from it.
    It's a very useful insight and very knowledgeable indeed. I will definitely go back to further understand and learn these tools.”

    International College of Hong Kong Kindergarten&Primary


5 Steps to a Musical Setting Online Training

With the training course, you can download the PDFs you want to keep for your own use.

View the videos on the training website for as long as you have membership

Worth £37

We will cover...
  1. Routines
  2. Music Time
  3. Live Music Performances
  4. Performing Areas
  5. 5 Minute Wonders

You will be able to use some simple ways to interweave music throughout your day.



per month for the duration of your membership

Get access to everything but the additional 5 Online Training Courses and Music Time Plans will be AFTER 12 months of paid membership

You are free to leave the Early Years Music Ideas Membership at any time and there is no contract in place (although if you do leave and come back you will re-join at the rate at that time). 



first year then £8 a month thereafter


You are free to leave the Early Years Music Ideas Membership at any time and there is no contract in place (although if you do leave and come back you will re-join at the rate at that time). 

MONTHLY MEMBERS ONLY once you have had paid membership for more than 12 months

Five Popular online training courses included 

With the training courses, you can download the PDFs and MP3s you want to keep for your own use.

View the videos on the training website for as long as you have membership

Worth £97

We will cover...
  • The benefits of using a Parachute, Lycra and Friendship Ring.
  • How a Parachute, Lycra and Friendship Ring can help with learning and development.
  • Music activity ideas to support your understanding of how a Parachute, Lycra and Friendship Ring can help with learning and development.

You will be able to select suitable music activities using a parachute, Lyrca (stretchy fabric), or friendship ring to help develop the children's skills and learning in your setting.

Parachute testi  I found the ideas inspiring

Worth £97

We will cover...
  • The benefits of using Soft Toys, Scarves and Streamers.
  • How Soft Toys, Scarves and Streamers can help with learning and development.
  • Music activity ideas to support your understanding of how Soft Toys, Scarves and Streamers can help with learning and development.

You will be able to select suitable music activities using Soft Toys, Scarves and Streamers to help develop the children's skills and learning in your setting.

Soft toys testi  deanna

Worth £97

We will cover...
  • Why it is important for children to experience different instruments.
  • The children's learning and development that may be seen when exploring and experiencing instruments.
  • The different type of instrument activities. 
  • Music activity ideas to support your understanding of how instruments help with learning and development.

You will be able to select suitable music activities using instruments to help develop the children's skills and learning in your setting.

Musical Instruments testi  EI got lots of ideas of how to incorporate instruments in different ways

My 'Musical Instruments in the Early Years' online training explores many ideas that you can use to develop children's awareness of sounds made with instruments and noise makers.

Worth £149

We will cover...

Module 1 Outcome:

You will reflect on your current understanding and how you can help children with the musical elements.

Module 2 Outcome:

You will be able to identify how and when is suitable to explore the musical elements for the children in your setting.

Module 3 Outcome:

You will be able to select songs and rhymes suitable for the children in your setting.

Module 4 Outcome:

You will be able to select instrument and body percussion activities suitable for the children in your setting.

Module 5 Outcome:

You will be able to select listening activities suitable for the children in your setting.

Musical elements  testi  after watching the videos I can see how it's much easier

Worth £97 

We will cover...
  • Why it is important for children to have different listening opportunities.
  • The children's learning and development that may be seen when experiencing live and recorded sounds.
  • The different types of listening activities
  • Music activity ideas to support your understanding of how focused listening can help with learning and development.
  • My Musical Discoveries Toolkit.

You will be able to select suitable listening activities to help develop the children's skills and learning in your setting.

listening discoveries testi Joanne

MONTHLY MEMBERS ONLY once you have had paid membership for more than 12 months

Five Popular online training courses included 

With the training courses, you can download the PDFs and MP3s you want to keep for your own use.

View the videos on the training website for as long as you have membership

MONTHLY MEMBERS ONLY once you have had paid membership for more than 12 months

Weekly Music Time Plans

With the training courses, you can download the PDFs and MP3s you want to keep for your own use.

View the videos on the training website for as long as you have membership

Available NOW

Worth £42

Available NOW

Worth £35

How does Early Years Music Ideas 2 to 5 Years work?

The resource is available online via a website.   

You are free to leave the Early Years Music Ideas Membership at any time and there is no contract in place (although if you do leave and come back you will re-join at the rate at that time). 

Please read through what is included within this membership before purchasing.  As access is immediately after purchase no refunds can be given.

On signing up you will be given your own login details so that you can access the resource whenever and wherever you want, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. 

Here’s a little about me and how I can help you

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Anne B.Ed (Hons)


I’m Anne, a musician, composer, teacher, trainer and mum!

I started teaching music to the under 5s in 1998 as a qualified primary teacher and was also the school Music Co-ordinator.  After a break from teaching, to look after my own little people, I setup Musical abc in 2008 to teach music to the under 5s.  I have worked with many children and have gained and developed fun ways to help children explore music.

In 2015 I started created music training for early years professionals through ‘Music in the Early Years' and  have helped over 1000 early years practitioners with music in their early years setting


I look forward to helping you bring more music to the children in your setting.


Frequently Asked Questions 

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

Very easily! As long as you have access to the internet on a device (phone, tablet or computer) you can access the online resource.  On signing up you will be allocated a username and password. 
Then, click on the link for the secure website, enter your login and password that’s it you can access the resource! Super easy!

My website is secure as can be seen by the padlock symbol in the address bar.

All payments are done securely through Stripe; your payment details are never disclosed.

Each access purchased is for an individual to use. That person CANNOT share their login details and the training material in electronic or printed format: e.g. MP3s, PDFs, workbooks.  

If there are a few of you that would like access please get in touch via the contact form.

yes, the training and activity ideas you are free to use to teach young children. However, they are for your own use ONLY.   If there is more than one teacher/leader, in your independent business, you would need to purchase additional access for each teacher/leader.


Sorry no, for child protection reasons this is not possible.

This is a digital product and is delivered immediately after purchase and therefore under UK law doesn't fall under the 14 day 'cooling off' period.  This means that you won't get a refund 

Whether you purchase monthly membership from this page or through purchasing one of my training courses, this is what you gain access to:

✅ Early Years Music Ideas Library

✅ Early Years Music Ideas Framework with mini training guides and masterclasses

✅ A NEW Mini training guide each month

✅  The '5 Minute Musical Wonders'!

✅  Access to 'Music and the 7 Areas of Learning online training is coming soon. Once it is made available to members, everyone will have access to Module 1: Introduction.  The remaining modules will be released every 7 weeks until all 9 modules have been released. Once you gain access, you will be able to keep them for as long as you are a member.

✅ 5 Steps to a Musical Setting Online Training

✅ A Monthly Focus: links to music activities for events happening that month PLUS a direct link to the new mini training guide for that month

✅ Two Round-Up emails each month so you don’t miss anything within the resource

After 12 months of paid membership, also access to:

✅ Five online training courses

  1. Parachutes, Lycra and Friendship Rings
  2. Soft Toys, Scraves and Streamers
  3. Musical Instrument in the Early Years
  4. Musical Elements
  5. Musical Discoveries: Listening in the Early Years

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.